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ClosedReopening May 2025

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Care: Interdisciplinary Forum


14 Oct 2022

This event has now ended.


Old Quad (Building 150),
The University of Melbourne, Parkville



CARE brought academic expertise, lived experience and artists’ perspectives together for an engaging day of presentation and discussion. Questions of care, or lack thereof, are an urgent focus of the present moment. How do we consider individual, societal, environmental, or institutional systems of CARE?

Curā, Latin for care, is the etymological origin of ‘curating’ and the basis of western modes of museum practice. This is perhaps most evident in the care of collections, yet curatorial care also extends to care for our artists, participants and the broader communities implicated in creative practice. How we care for artists cuts to the heart of our societal ideals. Outside the sector, the question of adequate care goes to the heart of basic human rights, equity and freedoms — how they are valued and enacted and how that care is accessed, experienced or denied.

Across three dynamic sessions, we traversed understandings and networks of care in diverse contexts including health, the environment and food security.


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