Climate change and its devastating impact on the earth’s many ecosystems is, arguably, today’s most critical global issue. Nature/Revelation celebrated the unique capacity of art to cut through prevailing rhetoric and to stimulate individuals – both intellectually and emotionally – in the face of current environmental issues. Focusing on contemporary notions of nature and the sublime, the exhibition affirmed that the world we live in offers moments of revelation, and that nature can provoke a range of associations – both fantastical and grounded – that profoundly affect us.
Nature/Revelation featured international and Australian artists who are engaged with poetic and philosophical concerns, and whose work offers potentially enlightening experiences that can energise our relationship to the natural world. Artists include Ansel Adams, Jonathan Delafield Cook, David Haines, Andrew Hazewinkel and Susan Jacobs, Jamie North, Mel O’Callaghan, Gabriel Orozco and Berndnaut Smilde. The exhibition also raised questions about concepts of nature and culture following the arguments of philosopher Timothy Morton.
This exhibition formed a key component of the Art+climate=change festival presented by Climarte: arts for a safer climate. This festival of climate change related arts and ideas included curated exhibitions at a number of museums and galleries alongside a series of keynote lectures and forums featuring local and international speakers.
Curated by Joanna Bosse.
The University of Melbourne, with the Potter as project leader, is the Principal Knowledge Partner of the Climarte program.